Java NIO Asynchronous NIO also provisions asynchronous channel as well. 1234Path path = Paths.get("");// this will create asynchronous enabled channel// other channel like Socket also has this featureAsy 2020-03-08 development #java #nio
Java NIO Byte Buffer Buffer is an encapsulation for array of bytes. This class provisions some useful methods to read/write data, and switch between read and write. indicatorsThe Buffer class has a byte[] inside to s 2020-03-08 development #java #nio
Java NIO Channel Channel is a stream kind of representation in NIO. It is a representation of hardware, file, network device or other program. There are several different channel that loads data differently. FileChan 2020-03-08 development #java #nio
Java NIO Pipe Pipe is another channel used for communicate between threads.It has 2 ends, source for read only, and sink for write only. CreateSimply use open 1Pipe pipe =; Write12345678910111213// get 2020-03-08 development #java #nio
Java NIO Selector Selector is a mutiplexer.Basically aggregate multiple channel into one bundle so we don’t have to switch between different thread. By doing so, we can use one thread to handle multiple channel. create 2020-03-08 development #java #nio
Synchronization Method Summary I would like to write this document to sort and clarify some misunderstanding of synchronization method of me.Throughout the development of computer science and engineering, synchronization is an extr 2020-02-04 development #linux #c
Learning Kubernetes ComponentmasterControl panel of the entire cluster. kube-apiserverExpose API for control panel. etcdKey-Value store for all cluster data. kube-schedulerWatch newly created pods and assign node to run. 2019-09-11 operation #bash #linux #kubernetes
Machine Learning Notation Notation Note $X^{(i)}$ No. i training set $X^{[i]}$ No. i layer of neuron $X^{ \{ i \} }$ No. i mini batch $X_{i}$ No. i feature 2019-08-15 development #machine learning
A Hundred Ways to Forget You 认真计算你出现轨迹 只为不相遇关掉一切消息去远行 就算是逃避精心编织每一种滤镜 让我讨厌你我怕未来憧憬装满你 也怕没有你 12345678910一百个不喜欢你的方法 我不知如何表达 可是在天平那边 只要一种 最简单的喜欢 就能轻易独占宇宙 我要怎么 才能放下 一百个方法 不喜欢的方法 如果偷走 我的喜欢 就请你保留 在我想你的时候 如果幸福仅是我幻 2019-08-12 myself #music
Create VPN in GCP Given that we have a GCP account, now let’s start creating VPN in GCP. Create Project Create VM in Compute Engine Because VPN doesn’t require too much hardware, the machine should just use the ver 2019-06-02 operation #network #docker #gcp #vpn