Unicode and UTF-8 There are many discrepancy towards unicode and UTF=8, for very long time I did tno figure out what the difference between thiese two things. character setAlso known as char set, defined some specif 2014-07-17 development #charset
linear regression MathJax.Hub.Config({ tex2jax: { inlineMath: [['$','$'], ['\\(','\\)']], displayMath: [['$$','$$'], ['\[','\]']], processEscapes: true, processEnvironments: true, skipTags: ['sc 2014-07-15 development #machine learning
how to configure transaction manager in spring I notice that many developers whom will encounter some bad exceptions while trying to integrate spring and hiberante.Actually I somehow had them because they are very normal situation in progress of i 2014-07-06 development #java
clojure quote symbols Well, quote and its related symbols is too confusing for a clojure newbie.Thanks to this excellent article. 1. ‘The symbol ', the single quote symbol near the Enter button in your keyboard. Can 2014-07-03 development #clojure
comparison for acreage of some university I think its rather interesting to have a comparison for different universities before my set out.Seems wateroo is pretty huge campus, manitoba is also appreciated. name area wateroo 6 070 ac 2014-06-30 myself
device type in kernel The road towards linux kernel is tough, some terminology also intuitive, here is some conclusion for devices, that treated differently in kernel. Character devices unbuffered, direct access to the h 2014-06-30 development #linux
my projects Those are all project that completed in between my university Project Food tonight JH passport Center mail.zjut.com Hadoop join algorithm optimization springmvc-spring-mybatis archetype Task tracker V 2014-06-30 myself
TODO list Here is my TODO list in this few following months: ToDo courses research methodology data mining Cloud computing machine learning paper chinese KB layout my neural network structure Italiano 2014-06-30 myself
mutex vs. semaphore You might have seen these two terminologies for a very long time, since university class called operating system, but can you help clarify this? As depict below, they are totally different, although s 2014-06-30 development #linux
clojure state management introduction Before dive into those state management, let us first understand what are two key reference types are: Coordination Coordinated means different actors must work on the same workspace. Thus, they nee 2014-06-26 development #clojure