JPT Post object IntrodutionPost is a table that store records about posts and published torrent, information like info_hash and bencode are stored in corresponding row.The idea behind this is that, any post must be a 2015-10-13 development #jpt
UML sequence diagram Synchronous callsend message and suspend execution while waiting for response. Synchronous Messages are shown with filled arrow head. Asynchronous callsend message and proceed immediately without wait 2015-10-08 development #uml
Springmvc parameter IllegalArgumentException I encounter the same problem as this page claimed.The actual problem is that, turning javac target’s debug attribute to on will enable JVM to detect parameter name during runtime.Otherwise, we need to 2015-10-03 development #java
Uploading file other than post Restful style of API designing broaden my horizon by standardizing the rule for API. POSTmust be something new into server, which means creating a new resource. PUTMust be updating existing resourc 2015-10-03 development #java
Latex block positioning There are some positioning parameters for text block like table or image to place in a page. 1234\begin{figure}[h]\end{figure}\begin{table}[ht]\end{table} Th 2015-09-29 study #latex
JPT Pagination object IntroductionPagination is a wrapper for encapsulate a list of same object in a page. This class will only do wraping work, such like indicating current page number and size of this page.Common senario 2015-09-28 development #jpt
JPT User object IntroductionUser is a table that record all user profile information, like user ID, password referee etc., More importantly, upload and download bytes also recorded in this table.I use bigint in data 2015-09-18 development #jpt
Algorithm complexity representation MathJax.Hub.Config({ tex2jax: { inlineMath: [['$','$'], ['\\(','\\)']], displayMath: [['$$','$$'], ['\[','\]']], processEscapes: true, processEnvironments: true, skipTags: ['sc 2015-09-17 development #algorithm #math
Introduction to JavaPT Nice to see you in this page. I assume you are either a developer or a PT site master who want to find a Java based PT(private tracker). After several days of development, this project is almost good 2015-09-14 development #java #maven #jpt
JPT Message object IntroductionMessage class is widely used in jpt.Message object is being used in all brower based communication, that means all communications except tracker annoucement will all use this class to tran 2015-09-14 development #jpt