Vim plugins for Clojure
command to start a REPL or focus an existing instance if already running using dispatch.vim
command to start a REPL or focus an existing instance if already running using dispatch.vim
Foreground build
Using undertmux
will horizontally split current vim window to initial a lein session; Make use of themake
in vim
Using undertmux
will horizontally split current vim window to initial a lein session
Background build
Using undertmux
will create a new tmux window and exit if building finished; make use of themake
in vim
Using undertmux
will create a new tmux window and exit if building finished
Spawning interactive processes
:Start lein repl
Navigating and Comprehending
, :Doc
, and :FindDoc
, which map to the underlying clojure.repl macro (with tab complete, of course).K
is mapped to look up the symbol under the cursor with doc.[d
is mapped to look up the symbol under the cursor with source.[<C-D>
jumps to the definition of a symbol (even if it’s inside a jar file).gf
, everybody’s favorite “go to file” command, works on namespaces.
Evaluating from the buffer
prepopulates the command-line window with the expression under the cursor.cqc
gives you a blank line in insert mode.cp
operator that evaluates a given motioncpp
for the innermost form under the
and c1m
are similar, but they only run clojure.walk/macroexpand-all
and macroexpand-1
instead of evaluating the form entirely